VIP Hospitality
We invite our VIP guests to two exclusive zones - sports emotions have never been closer!
Horse riding in a prestigious space - enter the world of sports emotions!

See the offer of VIP Hospitality CAVALIADA TOUR 2023/2024
A business meeting at CAVALIADA? Thanks to the VIP Zone, it's possible.
Book VIP PACKAGES for the largest equestrian event in our country.
Strefa VIP to doskonałe miejsce zarówno do spotkań biznesowych, utrzymywania relacji jak również nawiązywania nowych kontaktów. To idealna przestrzeń do rozmów połączonych z dobrą zabawą, a unikalny wystrój sprawia, że nasi goście mogą czuć się wyjątkowo podczas wydarzenia.
The VIP area is the perfect place for both business meetings, maintaining relationships and making new contacts. It is an ideal space for conversations combined with fun, and the unique decor makes our guests feel special during the event.
Only customers who have purchased VIP PACKAGE or VIP GOLD PACKAGE are allowed to enter the VIP area.
We have prepared two packages:

The number of exclusive tables in the VIP GOLD PACKAGE is limited.
Only customers who have purchased the VIP PACKAGE or VIP GOLD PACKAGE are allowed to enter the VIP zone. The number of places is limited and subject to reservation.