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Victory for Dutch rider


Remco Been from the Netherlands was victorious in the PKO Bank Polski Grand Prix of CAVALIADA Poznań.

50 riders from 12 countries took part in the PKO Bank Polski Grand Prix, for the prize of PKO Bank Polski, under the patronage of the Mayor of Poznań, counting for the world rankings, CAVALIADA Tour and World Cup Central European League. The first course was quite technical, and poles fell throughout. 10 riders managed to go clear, so the jump-off promised to be spectacular. Victory ultimately belonged to Remco Been (POL) with Holland VD Bisschop.

“When I walked the course, I thought it was possible for me to go clear and get a good result, so that was nice. I think the course designer did a really nice job. In the jump-off I had to take some risks, but I chose to take a longer route between 1 and 2, and it went well. I was a little bit nervous watching the other riders, 10 rounds are a long time! [Holland VD Bisschop] is a very careful horse and always wants to fight for me in the arena. It’s my first time at CAVALIADA and I think I have to come again!” – said the rider.

Second place went to Sweden’s Irma Karlsson with Chacconu, and third to Niels Kersten (NED) with Grieg S. Jarosław Skrzyczyński (POL) finished just outside the podium with Inturido.

„Bardzo lubię takie wyzwania, nie spodziewałam się bezbłędnego przejazdu, bo parkur był bardzo techniczny i wymagał z mojej strony wiele dyscypliny. Jednak dziś wszystko poszło gładko. Zgraliśmy się i było tak, jak chciałam.” – mówiła amazonka.

Michał Tyszko (POL) with Marco Polo won the Small Tour Final, for the prize of Nowy Adres, under the patronage of the Wielkopolska Horse Breeders Association. Dawid Skiba (POL) with La Vulkano L was second, and Kristupas Petraitis (LTU) with Baironas – third.

Sunday at CAVALIADA is the final CAVALIADA Future classes, for the prize of PKO Bank Polski, under the patronage of Torpol. In the MINI category victory belonged to Zofia Wierucka with Cykor, and in the MIDI – to Michalina Jach with Kreska.

Dressage riders showed their skill in the Freestyle class, as part of Immergas Dressage Tour. The highest notes were given to Sandra Sysojeva with Found Boy, followed by Teresa Tomaszewska with Belle Couture M and Natalia Plata with Dolcetto.

In the Amateur Tour Final, for the prize of Port Sołacz Hotel and Restaurant, under the patronage of TVP3 Poznań, the winner was Nina Sućko (POL) with Cormitello. Second went to Juul Smits (NED) with Nairobie van d’Hoeve, and third to Magdalena Dreger (POL) with Khadir.

Four days of unforgettable sport rivalry are behind us. More than 600 horses galloped through the CAVALIADA arenas, and the program was complemented by spectacular shows. More shows await the riders and audiences this indoor season – CAVALIADA Sopot and the final of the Tour – CAVALIADA Kraków. In the summer, the equestrian arena will visit Świnoujście at the Polish seaside for the first time. Tickets available at

The main sponsor of CAVALIADA Tour is PKO Bank Polski, the strategic partner is the LOTTO brand, the Host City is the City of Poznań, and the partners are the Wielkopolska Region Local Government and the Polish Equestrian Association.

